New Directors for Marlborough Lines

22 October 2024

Two new directors have been appointed by the Marlborough Electric Power Trust to the Board of Marlborough Lines.

Trust chair Domenic Romano says Matt Kerr and Matt Todd were selected from a very impressive field of candidates.

“Matt Kerr will be known to many people in Marlborough both as a skilled professional director and formerly of WK Advisors & Accountants. Matt also has strong ties to the community with his long-standing support of Marlborough Stadium Trust which he currently chairs as well as serving on the Marlborough Hospice Foundation Trust.”

Mr Kerr is also currently chair of Marlborough Airport and Marlborough District Council Holdings, a grower director for the Marlborough Grape Growers Cooperative and previously served on the Port Marlborough board.

“Our trust believes Matt is an outstanding candidate who will bring a proven set of skills to our lines company board and its investments.”

 Domenic Romano says Matt Todd has an equally impressive set of credentials to serve Marlborough Lines.

“Matt stood down in May after 20 years as Chief Executive of the Eastland Group in Gisborne/ Tairawhiti which owned and operated the local lines company, a renewable energy portfolio, local port and airport and property holdings. He was instrumental in helping develop this diverse range of businesses and investments.”

Mr Todd also chairs GisVin a winery service provider which processes a large share of Gisborne’s annual vintage.

“This background, along with that in the lines business and a proven capacity to look for new opportunities confirmed for trustees that Matt Todd will be an excellent addition to the Marlborough Lines board,” said Domenic Romano.

Mr Kerr and Mr Todd will next month replace retiring directors Jonathan Ross, who has served on the Marlborough Lines Board since 2014 and Steven Grant, who joined the Board in 2017.

Mr Romano acknowledged the contributions made by the departing directors who he said had helped steer Marlborough Lines through a considerable period of change as a business and also with its investments.

He also announced that this year’s Annual Reporting Meeting for the power trust will take place on Monday November 25 at 7pm at Marlborough Lines Stadium 2000.

“Last year’s meeting was held later than is ideal and we hope an earlier date results in greater numbers attending to hear about Marlborough Lines past year, but also on its Energising Marlborough strategy which is now seeing it develop solar farms. There is a lot of change in the electricity sector and the reporting meeting is a chance to hear first-hand from the company on its activities and investments.”

Domenic Romano says the trust has also just launched a total revamp of its website at 

“We want to have good engagement with the 26,500 consumer beneficiaries of the trust whom we are there to represent and the new website provides all of the key information about the trust in an easy to use format.”


MEPT Newsletter


2024 Annual Reporting Meeting