
The Marlborough Electric Power Trust was established by Deed of Trust dated 28 April 1993. The Trustees hold the share capital of Marlborough Lines Limited in trust for the company’s beneficiaries (all those with a power connection to the Marlborough Lines network).

The Trust Deed provides for three of the six Trustees to retire on the 1st of April each second year. The next Trustee election is scheduled for March 2026.

Trust Eligibility

To be eligible for nomination and election as a Trustee, you must

  1. Be a consumer of electricity within the Marlborough Electric Power Trust district.

  2. Reside, and be recorded on the electoral roll as resident within the district.

  3. Be supported by a nomination from a member of the public.

You must not

  1. Be bankrupt.

  2. Have been convicted of a crime punishable by a term of imprisonment of 2 years or more.

  3. Be a person to whom an order has been made under Section 151 of the Companies Act 1993 applies.

  4. Be a person who is mentally disordered within the meaning of the Mental Health Act 1969.

  5. Be a director or employee of Marlborough Lines Ltd.

Trustee Duties

Duties include approving the Marlborough Lines Statement of Corporate Intent, appointing the company directors and monitoring director’s performance, protecting the beneficiaries’ interest and determining the allocation of electricity users’ distributions from the Marlborough Lines’ dividends received.

Trustees meet eleven times per year during the ordinary course of business. In addition to this Trustees are required to attend the Marlborough Lines AGM, Annual Reporting Meeting, any special meetings and annual Energy Trusts NZ conferences.