New Chair for MEPT

23 April 2024

Blenheim businessman Domenic Romano has been appointed chair of the Marlborough Electric Power Trust.

Previously the Trust’s deputy chair, Mr Romano replaces Nicki Stretch who had served in the role for three years.

He took the chair’s role unopposed last Monday (April 15) at the trust’s first meeting since the March elections which brought in new trustees Simon Bishell, Belinda Jackson and Brendon Burns who join Mr Romano and other existing trustees Lynette Rayner and Ian Martella.

The new trustees replaced Mrs Stretch, Cathie Bell and retiring trustee Ross Inder.

Mr Romano said it was a robust meeting with a good exchange of views and agreement that the trust shared a set of common objectives to ensure the best possible results were delivered by Marlborough Lines for the region’s 26,500 power beneficiaries whom the trust represented.

He said a particular focus for the trust was to seek potential new directors for Marlborough Lines, with the current terms of two serving directors coming to an end later this year.

“We are indicating a strong preference to try and recruit directors who are Marlborough-based, so long as they bring the necessary skills that the Board requires to perform at an optimum.”

“We will continue to work with Marlborough Lines Chair Phil Robinson and CEO Tim Cosgrove as the company enters a period with both considerable price and climate change challenges as well as opportunities for potential expansion in renewable energy generation.

“The trust’s role is to make certain Marlborough Lines retains and grows its value and the resulting benefits are there for both current and future beneficiaries.”

Mr Romano acknowledged the contributions made by the departing trustees Cathie Bell and Nicki Stretch, particularly for her time as chair, as well as long-serving trustee and former chair Ross Inder.

“We’ve faced our own share of challenges and the trust now has the opportunity to harness some new energy and work together for objectives we all share.”



2024 Annual Reporting Meeting